We are proud to announce the launch of our free soccer drills section!

This section, updated weekly, will contain video instruction for individual drills that players can do by themselves to improve various areas of their game. All of these drills can be done by one player without having to meet with a coach or a team.

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The intention of this section is to help players develop into more complete soccer players. This means we will be adding drills to help players develop into better players in each of the following areas –

Team Player (Passing)
Excellent Ball Control (Dribbling)
Shooting Skills
Tactically Sound (Passing, Movement, Game Smarts)

More drills will be added to this section all the time, so check back every now and then to see what we’ve added!

Have a drill that you’d like to see added to this section? Send us an email at suggestions@soccerdrillsdaily.com.

If you like what we’re doing, please take a moment to like our Facebook page using the button below – this will really help us get the word out about the site!