Soccer Drills of the Day 01/06/13

Wall target passing – Strong foot – 5 minutes
Set up 5-10 yards from a wall (pick one made of something solid enough to bounce the ball off of without damaging it) – Play the ball against the wall with the side of your foot so it bounces back to you. Trap the ball approximately 2-3 feet away from you and play it back against the wall again. Once you are confident with playing the ball off the wall, set up a pair of cones 1-3 feet apart and practice passing the ball between the cones against the wall. If you want more of the challenge, do this with a single touch instead of trapping the ball.

Wall Passing – Weak Foot – 5 minutes
Same as above, but switch to your weak foot.

Wall Air Passing – Use either foot – 5 minutes
This drill is designed to help you work on your passing in the air. Set up 10-20 yards from a solid wall. Play the ball so that it hits the wall in the air, not on the ground (use your laces). Trap the ball and play it off the wall again. Vary your speed and arc on the ball to practice your control. Once you are comfortably getting the ball up in the air and controlling your rebound, use masking tape to create an “X” on the wall to use as a target. Try to hit this target with your pass.