Frequently asked questions –

  • Does this site offer team drills?
    • Not at this point. We plan to offer team drills in the future, but at this point, this site is dedicated to giving individual players the help they need to develop their skills on their own without having to find a team to practice with.
  • Why haven’t I seen “x” drill on the site?
    • We have a lot of drills for individual players to make them better, but obviously no one has seen them all. We would love to see drills or see suggestions for new drills. In fact, if we use your drill, we will make sure to give you credit for it on the website! Please send your ideas using the contact form below.
  • Can I send in a picture or video of myself doing a particular drill?
    • Absolutely! We’d love to see pictures of members having fun while training and working hard. Please send your photos or links to your videos with the contact form below.
  • If you have any other questions, please send them using the form below, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

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