A very important skill for a soccer player to have is the ability to receive the ball out of the air and direct it where you want it to go in a controlled manner. This video contains 4 soccer drills to help you develop your ability to trap a soccer ball with the inside or outside of your feet. In addition, these individual soccer drills help you practice controlling the ball out of the air and putting it where you want it on the ground.

This video contains 4 drills –

1. The Toss and Trap

While simple, this drill helps you develop the fundamentals of receiving the ball out of the air. Toss the ball up in the air, then receive it with the outside or inside of your feet.

2. The 2 Gate Trapping Drill

This drill builds on the toss and trap by giving you a target of where to put the ball when you receive it. Set up 2 gates with cones, toss the ball up in the air, trap the ball out of the air and between the cones. Make sure you use both feet, as well as the inside and outside of each foot.

3. The Juggle and Trap

Juggle the ball in the air for 5 touches, then trap the ball, taking it either to the left or the right. This drill helps you work on your body positioning as well as your ball control.

4. The 4 Gate Drill

This drill is similar to the 2 gate drill, but now it gives you the extra dimensions of forward and backwards. This helps you with the ability to take the ball in any direction when you receive it. In addition, this drill helps you with your spatial awareness because you need to know where all 4 gates are without necessarily being able to look at them.

Soccer Skills Developed

  • Ball Control
  • Trapping the ball
  • Directing the ball out of the air
  • Spatial Awareness

    For more free individual soccer drills, visit our free drills section.

    If you’re looking for a good place to get started with your individual soccer training, CLICK HERE to download our free 5 day individual training plan.

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