Minefield is an individual soccer dribbling drill that you can do to work on your ball control and dribbling. It’s an excellent drill to do to work on your quick turns and changes of direction.

To do minefield, you’re going to need cones (or something to dribble between) and a soccer ball. Pick a space and set the cones up randomly. They should be far enough apart to dribble between, but close enough together that it’s not super easy for you to dribble between them.

The idea behind this drill is simple – set up your cones and dribble between them. However, when you do this, focus on using small controlled touches to keep the ball right at your feet. In addition, work on using the inside, outside, and bottom of your feet to develop your ball control. Also, practice changing direction without hitting any of the cones. One of the things that makes great dribblers like Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Neymar so difficult to defend is their ability to quickly change direction while dribbling.

For more free individual soccer drills, visit our free drills section.

If you’re looking for a good place to get started with your individual soccer training, download our free 5 day individual training plan.

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